Denise R. Arnold LLC
Founded in 2006, DRA LLC is dedicated to providing our clients with modern, clean, and beautifully usable public and private spaces.
Our goal is to ensure that the built environment meets accessibility code statutes and fosters universal access to all programs, services and places for people of all abilities and ages.
We provide expertise to municipalities and developers on federal, state and local accessibility statutes and laws. We conduct grant-funded research focusing on better play and work spaces for people of varying abilities. Our design work includes residential interiors, way-finding and signage, exhibit design, retail and award-winning restaurants. Through our affiliate, Arnold Interiors founded in 1976, we select all project specific furniture and finishes. We design holistically, custom designing materials and pieces to highlight design elements featured throughout a project and highlighted by the design process. We work directly with tradespeople, artisans and manufacturers to create unique environments based on our client’s individual needs and desires.